Collaborative Environment Installation Guide

Deploying Collaborative Environment

This guide provides detailed instructions for setting up the Collaborative Environment using Docker and Docker Compose.


  • Docker and Docker Compose installed.
  • Node.js and npm installed for Node.js integration.
  • Python and pip installed for Python integration.
  • Basic understanding of the Collaborative Environment, Docker, and the chosen programming language (Node.js or Python).

Project Structure

The project structure includes various components like Docker configurations, backend services, interlinkers, and frontend applications. The main components are located in different repositories, which can be cloned for development purposes.

Collaborative Environment/
├── docker/                # Docker configurations for various services
├── docs/                  # Documentation files
├── envs/                  # Environment configurations
├── Makefile               # Makefile for automating setup and deployment

Step 1: Cloning Repositories and Setting Up the Environment

  1. Use the Makefile to clone all necessary components:

make setup

  1. This will clone repositories such as:
  2. Frontend application
  3. Backend services (auth, catalogue, coproduction, logging)
  4. Interlinkers (survey, googledrive, ceditor)
  5. Gamification service

Step 2: Building and Starting Services

  1. Build the containers for all services:

make build

  1. Start the services, set up the environment, and seed the database: make up

Step 3: Accessing the Application

  • Once all services are up and running, access the Collaborative Environment's frontend through the configured local or development URL.

Additional Commands

  • Stopping Services: To stop all containers and remove volumes, use make down.
  • Pulling Latest Changes: To update all components, use make pull.
  • Restarting Services: To restart containers, apply migrations and seed data, use make restart.
  • Environment Variables Setup: To configure environment variables, use make envVariables.


  • Common issues can arise during the setup, such as Docker network conflicts or missing dependencies. Refer to the files in each repository for specific troubleshooting steps.

Support and Additional Resources

  • For further assistance, refer to the detailed documentation in the docs/ directory or visit the official Collaborative Environment Documentation.
  • Additional support can be obtained through community forums or by contacting the Collaborative Environment support team.